While developing this, for Serbia new model, it is necessary to build up various expertise and resources. Only in that way successful implementation and wide application could be assured. We have built partnerships with experts in the fields of construction, law and finance, to ensure we arrive at the best approach to the challenge of long-term affordable housing.
Pioneering housing cooperatives across Central and South-Eastern Europe face similar challenges. That is why we joined forces with similar housing initiatives from Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Zagreb and formed MOBA Housing Network. It aims to develop a common approach to housing cooperative financing, as well as to develop skills and tools that we can all use.
In addition, we have developed an advance costs-calculation tool – Open Financial Review Model (OpenFRM) – which gives insight into the financial viability of such collective housing projects. Through life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA), it enables us to calculate and manage living costs over a 30 year period for different unit types. OpenFRM is now available as an open-source tool to similar pioneering initiatives.
Pametnija Zgrada has recently been the topic of two studies relevant to understanding the potential and legal and tax barriers that housing cooperatives face, as well as the feasibility of delivering affordable, yet energy-efficient construction in Serbia today. We will make them available soon.
Brochure about the Pametnija Zgrada housing model can be downloaded here.